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New Oregon Gun Laws (pending)


What the summer of 2023 looking like for Oregon Gun Owners?

This question is on every Oregonians mind as Measure 114 just finished it's Federal court case. The Federal judge has yet to decide if Measure 114 violates the US Constitution. We should know the answer to this by the end of the June if not within this coming week. The ruling of this case will set the precedence for the Measure 114 September State Court Case.

In 15 days (June 25th) is the last day of the Oregon State Legistlative session, which that will come to a close; and that last day is said to be the day when Oregon Republican Senators come back to the senate floor to vote. Oregon Senate Bill 348 will come up for voting. For those that are not familiar with SB348 (It's Measure 114 repackaged - Click here to read). If passed all Oregonians will need a permit to purchase a firearm, among many new firearm policy requirements. We could only hope that a fillibuster of sorts comes in the prior bills to prevent voting and passage of SB348.

Oregon Gun Owners have 3 hurdles to Jump:

1) Federal Court Case of Measure 114 - E.T.A.  COMPLETION JUNE 2023.

2) Oregon Senate Bill 348 - E.T.A. COMPLETION JUNE 25th 2023.

3) State Court Case of Measure 114 - TRIAL SET FOR SEPTEMBER 2023.

We have multiple scenario's of what could happen for each one of these hurdles.

Scenario 1) Federal Court Case. Either outcome will be a lengthy legal battle! 

a) Ruling that: Measure 114 doesn't violate US Constitution. This would get appealed and potentially end up in the US Supreme Court. Also, this could affect the outcome or a future apeal of the States court case in September. 

b) Ruling that: Measure 114 violates the US Constitution. The State of Oregon would file an appeal, and potentially end up in the US Supreme Court.

Scenario 2) Oregon Senate Bill 348

a) Oregon Senate votes and SB348 passes: The Govenor (Tina Kotek) already stated she will sign it into law ASAP. The bill would go into law, and prepare for small gun shops to go out of business, along with your gun rights being thrown away. The way this bill is designed if passed it would supercede the States September Court Case - thus making the State case null & void. 

b) Oregon Senate votes or it doesn't get voted on, SB348. Nothing happens, everything remains the same until the State case in Septemeber. However, the bill can be resupported and come back in the next legislative session. Then this can be an issue.

Scenario 3) State Court Case of Meassure 114

a) Ruling that: Measure 114 doesn't violate the State of Oregon Constitution. Measure 114 would go into law along with all the stipulations it voices would go into effect. Your gun rights are gutted out. The case could get appealed. 

b) Ruling that: Measure 114 violates the state of Oregon Consitution. everything remains the same. The case could get appealed. 

c) However, the Judge from Harney County had stated that each section of Measure 114 would be examined for legality. It's very likely, that the Circuit Court Judge will accept certain sections from the Measure and dismiss other sections.

What we know right now is that everything is certainly up in the air! The next 2 weeks, pending on the Federal case and the Senate Bill 348 passage/failure to vote, will decide how Oregon Gun Owners Summer of 2023 and future perspective would look like. The only persons that this affects, is of course the Law Abiding Citizen.